We went for his 4 month check up and Reid weighed 16 lbs and 6oz I knew he was a big boy. The dr said he was fine with Reid's weight and that he was in the 75th to 95 percentile and he was 24 1/2 inches long which was the 50th percentile.
When we came home from Thanksgiving I got a cold and then of course I gave it to Reid. Which had me so scared since he was coughing so much. I was afraid he was going to choke. I took Reid to the dr last Monday and he had a double ear infection. I am so glad I went ahead and took him on in. You wouldn't have known Reid had an ear infection because he continued to be the best baby ever. He still doesn't cry at all during the day just late in the evening he seems to get upset. Other than that he continues to smile and sleep most every day.
We did move Reid into our room and put him in his pack and play with it elevated so that I could listen and monitor him better. I have actually enjoyed having him in the same room with me. I am not ready for him to move back to his room.
We bought Reid a portable dvd player for the car and it has worked miracles. Reid seems to really love the tv so playing baby Einstein has really kept his attention. We are hoping that he will love his movie when we travel home for Christmas next Friday.
Well we tried cereal with a spoon for the first time today. Let me say it didn't go so well. Reid is just like his daddy gagged on every bite. He did not like it at all. We took some video of the attempt to eat with a spoon. This first video he was just "trying to eat the rice cereal".
This video we are trying mixed fruit and rice cereal with apple juice mixed in. He still didn't like it to much. We will just keep trying and hopefully we will find something that he likes.
Reid is doing so much better holding his head up and doing tummy time.
He continues to amaze me everyday and the love just continues to grow and grow.
Here are some pictures from today we finally tried Reid in his stroller without the car seat. I think he liked it much better.
We love you Reid
Mama and Daddy