We have had a wonderful Christmas holiday. We are very blessed to have two sets of wonderful parents who spoil us and spoil Reid so much. We are also very blessed that we are able to spend time with both our families each holiday. I don't know what I would do if we had to rotate them. I think I would be devastated if I couldn't see my mama on each holiday.
We spend the first part of the week at my parents and then the second half with Justin's family. On Christmas Eve we always go to Granny's and eat a wonderful lunch and then exchange gifts with the children. Reid seemed to enjoy it much better now that he is walking he can go wherever he wants, but it made it hard on us chasing him everywhere. By the time is was time to exchange gifts Reid was asleep in his daddy's arms and missed all the excitement. I know next year will be so fun for Reid. He will be in there with all those excited kids just waiting on his present. Out of Granny's 75 people 69 were there. It is hard to believe it was that many people there for Christmas. The great thing about that is most of them come back every Sunday for Sunday lunch after church. I couldn't have married into a better family. They are a wonderful Christian family and makes everyone feel right at home.
This was the first year I have every been away from my mama for Christmas morning. We decided we would stay in Collierville since they were predicting snow. We really wanted to have the white Christmas and I went back and forth with this decision for three days trying to figure out what was the right or the best thing to do. Ultimately we decided to stay in Tn and guess what it didn't snow but it DID snow at my mama's house. So it was a big laugh when it was all said and done. We made the wrong decision, but we were able to get there early Christmas morning and was also able to enjoy the snow.
Reid wasn't into Christmas to much this year. I am hoping next year he will be so excited. My two nieces Emily and Sarah Kate were so excited for Santa to come. We made cookies the night before and we had the best time. Those girls are so sweet and I love them so much.
Here are some pictures from Christmas week, Christmas Eve, Christmas morning and a few days later.
Reid and Blake with my parents dog

Blake loves this dog... I love this picture

Mimi had her boys laughing

I love his blue eyes

My sister in law and her girls Emily and Sarah Kate

Reid sleeping at Granny's while everyone opened gifts

I love these sweet girls

Love their matching PJ's .. right before they went to bed... they were so excited

Kay-K and Pop with their grand children

Santa came

Love this picture of the girls running in to see what Santa brought

Reid playing with his toys

Granddaddy and his boy in the snow

Reid's first white Christmas

me and my sweet baby

Mimi and Reid.. he just wanted down to play

Our first white Christmas

Look what Santa brought.. thanks Mimi

Reid loved playing in his tent (bad news it takes up so much space)

drool everywhere.. so excited