I have kicked myself a few times for even suggesting that we would go to the beach without Reid. I planned this many months ago and I thought by now I would be ready to leave him, but now that the time is here; I find myself really struggling with leaving him. The good thing is we are only 1 1/2 hours away from him. So it won't take long to get home to see him. I don't sleep very well most nights so I asked Justin last week if he would be upset if we left Sunday morning around 5 so I would be at home when Reid woke up so I could see him. Of course Justin didn't mind. We have been known to leave at like 3 in the morning when we are heading out of town; so Justin knows I really might say lets go. Some people have said why don't we just take Reid with us and I have thought about that, but I think its still going to be too cool for Reid. We will take Reid to the beach the week of Memorial.
So any of you that read my blog please pray that I make it ok leaving Reid. Justin keeps saying we need this and you know Reid is going to be ok. That's why I know it's just me being completely selfish because Reid won't struggle with me being gone but I know I will struggle. I will let you know how it goes when we get back.
Anyway, back to Justin's birthday. Can I say I am the luckiest girl alive. Justin is the BEST husband and an even BETTER Father. I am so thankful God brought Justin into my life. We knew right away that we would be together forever. Everyone kept telling me what a wonderful father Justin would be and I just didn't have any idea until we had Reid. Justin has been very involved from the beginning. He loves Reid so much and takes such good care of him. If Justin isn't taking care of Reid he is taking care of me. You can tell daily how much Justin loves us. He shows us everyday with the wonderful ways he takes care of us. Even though he works all day when he comes home he still makes Reid and myself a priority. He tells me daily that he not only loves me, but that he is in love with me. Justin is very loyal and a very patient man and I love his patients because that is something that I don't have alot of. We are a very good balance for each other and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.
We love you and I hope this was a wonderful and special birthday for you!!!