We had a great first fourth of July with Reid. We left out on Thursday afternoon to drive 6 hours to my parents lake house on Moon Lake. Reid watched Barney for 6 hours and never made a peep from the back seat. We couldn't believe how well he did. We knew he loved Barney, but we didn't know that much ha.
Friday morning we headed up to Collierville, TN to see Justin's parents and stay with them until Sunday. While we were there Kay's side of the family came and had dinner and played with Reid. Justin's Aunt Marilyn was telling me about some good deals she had seen at Costco while shopping for her new grandson that is due in October and I said man I wish I could go there and she said well lets go shopping and so we did. We left the men to take care of Reid and Aunt Marilyn, Kay, Aunt Deloris and myself set out shopping at 7 that night and boy did we shop. We went to Costco, Ross's, Party Store and Kohl's all by 9 that night. We got most all of Reid's birthday supplies for his 1st birthday party. Can I tell you how sad that makes me that Reid is about to turn one. I can't believe it. When we got back to the house all the men were asleep on the couches and Reid was still up in his Pj's watching Barney.(Of course Justin was watching Reid) We had a great time shopping. I loved every minute of it. Well I didn't love the ride to Costco, because Kay forgot I get car sick and by the time we got to Costco I had started getting green from sitting in the back seat of Aunt Marilyn's car, but Kay remembered and let me sit up front the rest of the time. Thanks Kay.... :)
Saturday we headed out to see Granny and it just happened to be the Ormon annual Corn day. Each year they pick their corn and then shuck it, silk it, cut it off the ear and then cook it and put over 100 bags up in the freezer for Granny. They have a system going outside and everyone does their job and it takes all day, but they all enjoy the fellowship and they get it done. I was glad that most all the Aunts and Uncles were there and alot of the cousins. We had not seen them since Christmas. I was very happy that Reid was able to spend some time with Granny.
Saturday afternoon we headed out to eat and to buy Reid his first "real" pair of shoes. We went to stride rite and they had the exact brown pair of sandals that I was wanting. The name of them happens to be called Reid ha... Anyway, Kay bought them for Reid and when we put them on his feet oh my he looked like a little boy and not a little baby anymore.I didn't have my camera with me to take a picture, but I think Kay got some pictures of it. He didn't mind the shoes at all and he kept them on the rest of the night. Thanks Kay for the shoes they are just what I was looking for.
Sunday morning we headed back to my parents and we took Reid out on the boat and then we let him get in the lake with everyone at first he was a bit overwhelmed since there were so many boats out waiting for the band to play and the fireworks to start. We stayed out about two hours and that is about all Reid could handle so we came back home. Reid stood in his walker and watched Barney for about an hour and had the best time waving him arms like the other children were doing on the tv. His granddaddy and mimi couldn't believe how much he liked Barney and how he will just sit there and watch it as long as you will let him.
We drove back home Monday and Reid again watched his dvd almost the whole way home and then we got into a really bad storm and I think the rain was bothering him so he was fussy for the last hour until we made it home. He did great though.
I am sad to say I did not get a single picture of Reid and his granddaddy and mimi. We are going back for Labor Day so I will do a better job of taking pictures.
Here are a few pictures from Reid's first fourth of July.
Granny and Reid

I love this picture of Justin, Granny and Reid. Justin loves his Granny so much.

Ormon Corn day

The Ormon men shucking the corn

Ormon women preparing the corn

Love this pool Kay-K and Pop got Reid

4th July family picture

Kay-K and Pop with their Reid

Some of the boats at the lake.

Reid playing in his pool on the boat

Reid and his daddy