I decided to use the cheap test and if pregnant it would show two lines after a couple of minutes. I saw one line and one very faint line. Justin looked at it and said well maybe you are so take the digital test to be sure. I said NO, if I were pregnant then I would have two solid dark lines like the directions read. We went on and was getting ready and to top things off we were running late for church and still had to do Reid's Easter basket. I kept getting ready and looking at that test and I thought now my eyes were playing tricks on me because it seemed like the line was a little darker, but still not like the directions read. I called Justin to look at it again and I said is it just me or does that line look darker. He said yes it is; take the digital test. Once again I said NO. It is expired and it cost to much to waste. I don't feel pregnant and I don't want to waste it. We went and did Reid's Easter basket and the whole time Justin kept saying take the other test. Finally I gave in and took the other test. I was brushing my teeth not even paying attention to the test and all of a sudden Justin tapped my arm and I looked down and it said PREGNANT. I said I don't believe it. I still didn't think I was pregnant.
We were running so late at this point we didn't have time to stop and buy another test; so I said we would get one after church before we headed over to friends for Easter lunch. Sunday School and church seemed so long that day. I couldn't wait for church to be over so I could go test again. I just kept thinking am I? Was that test right? Once we got in the sanctuary I had to tell someone so I told my pastor's wife and told her to pray and I would let her know for sure when we tested again.
Church was over and we went to CVS. By this point I really needed to use the restroom so I bought the test and went in their bathroom while Justin and Reid sat in the car waiting. It said Pregnant before I could even blink. I couldn't believe it, we are really pregnant.
I went out to the car shaking my head no at Justin. I got in the car and said I told you I didn't believe that test. We aren't pregnant and he said WHAT... and I said oh I am just kidding. We were so happy.
We got to our friends house and we called them in the kitchen and said I have a problem I was wondering if you could help us with and they were like what. I said how can we tell Reid's grandparents that he is gonna be a big brother... Everyone hugged and was so happy.
It was the best day.
Later that day we put Reid in "I am a big brother tshirt" and called our parents on skype and told them to read Reids' tshirt. They were very happy and thrilled for us.
Our actual due date is January 2 but after talking to the doctor we plan on having the baby around Christmas.
We have already been to the doctor twice and we have seen and heard the heartbeat both times. I was so worried that it would be twins since I was a fertility patient.
Thank you Jesus it is just one. We will find out the gender on July 6.
We can't wait and we are so in love with this baby already.
It looks like Reid is excited too. Look at his shirt he couldn't stop smiling. I tell him everyday I love him to the moon and back. I can't wait for this next bundle of joy to come