I am writing this with a very thankful heart today. We went to the doctor today and Meg looked great. Justin and I talked to the ultra sound tech for awhile about what we had found out about Meg when we saw the specialist at the end of August and she made us feel so much better about the results and then she started looking. She could not see the spot on her heart and thought that everything else looked perfect. She is weighing in at 2lbs 4 oz and her heart rate was 158 beats per minute. It was strong and loud.
I took my glucose test this morning and I thought I wasn't going to get it all down it taste so bad. Doctor said she is breach, but we have plenty of time to get her to turn around. He said I had gained 5lbs so far, but not to go out and eat a bunch of twinkies. Luckily he didn't say cookies. ha
When we were looking at the baby she turned the machine to 4d and I saw that sweet face and I just started crying. Justin and I had decided that once we were firm on our decision not to have the amnio we decided not to talk about it anymore. Our final word was if she has downs we would love her just the same. Even though we stopped talking about it and I gave it all over to God; seeing her face this morning it just all came out of me in the form of tears. I was so thankful and overwhelmed. We had so many praying for us and we sure felt it. God is so good and we are so thankful for a wonderful church, pastor, friends, family and staff they have prayed for us everyday.
It is so hard to get a good picture of a picture of the ultra sound pictures, but that is her elbow up by her face.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift 2 Corinthians 9:15
My favorite purchase this week.