Reid weighs 19.12 lbs which is in the 75th percentile and is 27.3/4 inches which is in the 90th percentile. The elderly at church call Reid Mr. Bruiser. I guess because they think he is so big. I am glad to know that his weight and height are very normal.
One thing we found out at his appointment is that the reason his cheeks are red most of the time is that he has a touch of eczema; so we are now putting Aquaphor on his cheeks and it has helped already.
Reid is now rolling over both ways, but he still does not like to be on his belly.
He will reach for us, but not consistently. I love when he picks his arms up for me to pick him up.
When I finish changing him on his changing table I pick him up and put his arms around my neck and he squeezes me so tight and opens his mouth and tries to eat my chin. I LOVE when he does that, but I have to be careful otherwise he will grab my hair and pull it.
He can sit alone for about 10 seconds before he looses his balance. It won't be long and he will be sitting alone and playing.
He has now found his feet so changing his diaper can be hard sometimes because all he wants to do is hold onto his feet. However, when he lays on the floor he doesn't try to hold them as much.
He will try and grab my cell phone if I am holding him and trying to use it.
His favorite dvd is Yo Gabba Gabba and every time it comes on he just stares at the tv and just smiles.
I am making his baby food and he is now eating sweet potato's, squash, avocado and fruit. He continues to drink an 8oz bottle in the morning and 6oz bottles through the day and then an 8oz bottle at night.
He continues to sleep through the night. His bedtime is 5pm and he usually gets up between 6 and 7am. Everyone says how lucky we are and believe me we know and we are so thankful for his wonderful sleeping habits. He naps one to two times a day. Everyday he takes a nap at 9:30 and sleeps till about 12:30. He doesn't always sleep in the afternoon so by the time 5pm gets here he is VERY ready for bed.
We are going to get his 6 month pictures made on Friday and I can't wait. I hope we can really get him to smile and show his great personality.
In other news Justin went to play golf on Saturday and his blazer broke down at the golf course. He believes it is his transmission so we are waiting on how much that is going to cost. It always seems like something happens every 6 months. We know we will get through this its just hard being down to one car right now.
We are always trying to get a good picture of Reid smiling, but because we have to use the reduce red eye feature on the camera by the time the light comes on the camera and then it flashes three times he is done smiling. It is so frustrating. Maybe when it gets warmer we will be able to take pictures outside and capture that great smile of his.
Enjoy the pictures of our sweet boy... can you believe how beautiful his eyes are. They are so blue just like his Daddy. Looking at these pictures I can already tell how much better his cheeks are looking since we started using the Aquaphor on his cheeks.
That second picture melts my heart. Reid needs to teach his cousins how to sleep!!!!!!!!!