Reid celebrated his first Easter today. We have been busy all weekend. Our Saturday started with an Easter Egg hunt at our church. We went and Reid did his first craft with Victoria and listened to Jesus Loves me with Angela and Isabel. Reid did good he didn't get upset with all the kids running around until one kid came over and got in his face and said hey and Reid started to cry. The kid looked up at Justin and said what's wrong with him and Justin said he is just shy like his dad. Ha... Other than that Reid enjoyed himself. The pictures below are from the Easter Egg hunt on Saturday.
Victoria and I with our babies Lance and Justin with their babies Isabel holding Reid's hand so sweet Reid with his first Egg Reid sitting with Angela and Isabel love this pic Lance and Reid Justin and Claire Reid doing his first craft with Victoria Reid and Claire checking each other out
Our Sunday went really well (until Justin's car broke down with me at the local grocery) and he had to come and get me. We have no idea why it won't crank we just had the transmission rebuilt. Hopefully it is not anything major. Reid got dressed for church and he came to see what the Easter Bunny had brought him. He got a Msu football, Ole Miss basketball (can you tell he is going to be confused) a YO Gabba Gabba dvd, sun glasses and some bubbles. We were in a hurry so we didn't get any good pictures; below are the only ones we got. Also we recorded video of Reid's first Easter.
I love this picture we finally caught his smile on camera
Enjoy the video. I hope everyone had a great Easter. We will enjoy some ham and mashed potatoes later tonight for dinner.
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