I can't believe my baby boy is already 10 months old. Time is flying by so fast. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love him. It is the most wonderful feeling I have ever had. I don't think anyone truly knows what love is until you have a baby. I am so in love with him and I love that he makes me laugh every day.
He is such a big boy and growing now like a weed. It is so disappointing that you have so many clothes and he never gets to wear them. Or the latest thing is I have started putting some of his 12 month outfits on him and they are already too small. Some of the outfits are monogrammed also. Talk about make you sad. I have saved them thinking summer gets here he will start growing into them. Nope not the case half of them are already to small. It is so weird because some 9 month things still fit and then some 12 month things are too big. So before we leave for church he is dressed and undressed several times trying to find something to wear. I am glad he is a good sport about it.
He has two bottom teeth that have come all the way through and one top tooth that is half way through. Today I saw he has three more top teeth about to break the skin. I can't believe how fast his teeth are coming in now.
The only thing he says so far is Da-Da.. he says that for everything. If he wants out of his high chair he screams da-da... if he wants you to pick him up off of his belly on the floor he screams da-da.. if daddy walks in the door from work it is da-da... We are still working on him saying ma-ma.
He is in size 3 and sometimes size 4 diapers depending on the brand. He weighs 24lbs. He only drinks two 7 ounce bottles a day and 2 7 ounce sippy cups a day. I hope this means since he likes his sippy cups that he will be easy to break from the bottle when the time comes.
We still haven't given him much table food, he eats rice cereal with mixed fruit in the mornings and then a vegetable and fruit at lunch and dinner.
He gets up on all four's and rocks back and forth and sometimes tries to crawl backwards, but he still hasn't figured out how to crawl. He manages to move all over the floor though by rolling around.
It is almost impossible to talk or text on my cell phone; if he sees it he wants it. I have even given him his own cell phone, but it doesn't light up like mine does.
We go swimming every week and he has been putting his face in the water, but he always sucks the water up and comes up choking. It scares his daddy every time. His favorite thing to do is splash and kick his legs.
He still hates going into the church nursery each week. It is such a struggle for me knowing he is unhappy and crying the whole time. He begins to cry when other babies cry or when other babies squeal or talk. A lot of the parents have told me it is common for babies to get upset over this especially when they don't go to daycare. He is just not use to it. Thank goodness we have had some sweet ladies in the nursery that take him out of the room and just love on him and try to keep him calm.
Sleeping... that is a long story that I will save for another post. I ask that anyone that reads this just say a prayer for Reid and his mama every night about 6 pm because we really need it.
Reid is so shy just like his daddy. Each week when we are at Walmart people stop and try and talk to him and he will look and smile at them for a minute and then he just puts his hands up to his face and then leans forward and puts his face in my chest and puts his arms around me. He just seems to be so timid around people he doesn't know.
I have already started planning his 1 year birthday party. I can't believe it is already time to start thinking about it. Time is flying by and I love being his mommy and I thank God everyday for my wonderful family.
Here a few pictures of my sweet baby.....
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