I love that you know who your mama and daddy are. You are ok as long as one or the other is holding you, but if someone else comes up and wants to hold you; you get upset and start clinging to me or your daddy for dear life.
The nursery at church is still very hard on you. When we entered the nursery this morning your bottom lip immediately stuck out and you knew you were somewhere you didn't like. We snuck out of the room and you cried on and off for the next hour.
After Sunday School we came and checked on you and you saw your daddy and you hysterically started crying and you wanted your daddy NOW. I guess we have learned our lesson that we can't let you see us between Sunday School and Service, because I almost didn't get out of there. Actually when I left you, you were still crying. I really thought by now you would like it. You have gotten better, but it is still a struggle every Sunday and Sunday night.
Other than crying in nursery you really don't cry on an everyday basis. You are still the happiest baby and if you are unhappy all we have to do is turn Barney on and that makes you very happy. Although this weekend we bought you Veggie Tales and Praise Baby Dvd's we need you to like something other than Barney, but so far that is your favorite now.
Now that we have figured out how and what time to put you to bed, you go to bed each night between 6 and 7 and you lay right down and go to sleep and sleep till between 6 and 7 the next morning. You love to grab your frog lovie when you lay down to go to sleep.
The big news in the house tonight is you finally crawled a little more. You normally just do one step with your knee and then lay down on your stomach and do that again and again until you get where you are going. Today you made like three steps with your knees so I am thinking it won't be long and you will be on your way.
You are eating all kinds of baby food, but when we tried to give you baby food with the mixed vegetables with chicken or beef you threw it up both times. You hated it.
You still drink 4,7 oz sippy's each day and I can't believe in 4 weeks you will actually be drinking milk. Bye Bye formula... ah that sounds so good.
Your main word you say alot is da da and every now and then you will say ma ma but not near enough.
Your trying really hard to pull up, but you just haven't mastered it yet.
You have 5 teeth now and we are so fortunate that it hasn't bothered you at all. Also you don't slobber very much either. I thought that when babies cut teeth they slobber alot, but fortunately so far you haven't.
Reid your mama and daddy love you very much
Video of Reid trying to crawl.. Won't be long and he will be on his way.
Ohhh he is soooo cute! All those pictures are great. I can't believe he is almost one!