Reid has always been one that would play in the floor independently and of course he never cried, but this week has not been like that. He cries if I put him down, he cries if I leave the room (which makes going to the bathroom impossible) he cries if I am not in the floor playing with him, he cries when I am in the floor with him. So, needless to stay I don't know what has gotten into Reid. The saving grace is he has been taking great naps, Monday and Tuesday he slept for 3 hours and then Wed and Thurs he slept 2 1/2 hours.
By the time Monday night had gotten here I told Justin I just didn't think he could go to his bible study, because I really needed a break. Thankfully my good friend Kim called and wanted to see Reid so Reid and I went and visited Kim and her husband Allen so they entertained Reid for 2 1/2 hours and let me just sit and watch. We had a great visit and I so enjoyed the break.
Tuesday wasn't much better, but at least Justin would be home that night so that I could have a break and Wed was a little better and today was much better. But of course Reid and I went out and ran errands this morning and twice someone stopped me and said SHE is so pretty how old is SHE and I said HE is one.. and they of course apologized. Look at the pictures below he was not dressed like a girl; so not sure why people keep thinking he is a girl.
I am very thankful Justin is off on Friday's and we will both be able to entertain Reid so the weekend should be fine.
Does this baby look happy
Poor baby
Looking out the front door
He loves to look outside
After we ran errands today... Doesn't he look a lot happier
Have a good weekend
My poor baby! I wonder if he is getting some more teeth . . . . play date next week, okay?!