Since Monday was a holiday we all decided we would head out to see our Sunday school teacher's goats. The Sullivan's, and the Waltman's all headed out to spend the day in the sunshine and just enjoy being outside. Reid wasn't very sure about the goats. They had bread to feed them and the goats all swarmed around and Reid thought that was a little to close. I had hoped Reid would like the baby goat, but he didn't care about any of them.
However, he did enjoy the swing. While the kids were having fun on the swing the men were helping Darryl build a goat house. Reid had the best time just running around outside, playing in the dirt and doing what boys do.
After everyone left we all came back to our house to enjoy some chili and more fellowship.
Reid received this chair from his Kay-K and Pop for his first birthday. He wasn't quite mobile enough at that time to really enjoy it. We brought it out today and I think he has a new favorite thing to do. He has climbed in and out of this chair a hundred times. I love how he just kicks back in it and enjoys his snack and watches Mickey Mouse.
Thanks Kay-K and Pop for this chair.
You can also see a little more of his hair cut in these pictures. My little baby is growing up. And by the way he still loves to come up to his mama and give her kisses. Of course that makes my day.
Today went much better than I thought it would. In the beginning Reid did not want to sit in the barber's chair. I thought this is not going to be good. Justin went and got Reid's portable dvd player and some fruit snacks and he calmed down and let the hair cut begin.
He really never got upset but he was very concerned about the clippers, scissors and the comb. He kept wanting to look behind him to see what was going on. This video is pretty long and will bore most people, but I know the family wants to see it. Reid looks so diffent to me now. He looks like a little man. He is 17 months old going on 10. Where did the time go.
Today will be remembered as one of the best days of my life. I have always wanted to have my own baby so I could kiss my baby as much as I wanted and if I wanted to kiss my baby on the lips I could. Well to my miss fortune, I guess you could say Reid has never liked to be kissed. He especially did not like to be kissed on the lips. I always thought that is just my luck. Me always wanting my own baby to kiss and now he doesn't even like it.
Well that all changed today. In Wal-mart I leaned down in the buggy and said Reid give mama a kiss and he leaned up to my face and kissed me right on my lips. I think I did the happy dance right there in Wal-Mart. I called Justin and said you aren't going to believe this but Reid just kissed me.
When Justin got home tonight he asked Reid to give him a kiss and sure enough Reid leaned in and gave Justin a kiss. I think Justin was as thrilled as I was.
Here is a video of Reid giving his mama a kiss and some pictures from the week.
Reid's new thing is he likes to pull some of the toys out of his toy box in the living room and sit inside of it. This is right before bed that is why he has his paci in his mouth.
This is Reid's new thing. He likes to scrunch his nose up and put his head up in the air. It is so cute in person.
I am so excited to say that we all are headed to Disney in less than 5 weeks. Justin and his family LOVE Disney and I am at this time not a fan. I am hoping all that will change once I get to experience it. More than two years ago our friends Lance and Victoria wanted us to plan a trip to Disney right after Christmas. I just wasn't sure about it and although we said we would go; I was never excited about it. For whatever reason that trip didn't happen. So since then Victoria and I have both had a baby and the desire to go to Disney is even more so for them.
Well this past July we were all on vacation in Fl with Lance, Victoria his sister and her husband Scott and Angela and Lance and Angela's parents Millie and Eddie Waltman. Standing out in the middle of the ocean Angela started asking me why we weren't going to Disney with them in Feb. They already had their trip planned. I hee hawed around about it all day. Just not something I get excited about plus Reid is young and it is so expensive and I am not a fan of Disney or cartoons. Well everyone just kept telling me how much fun it would be; how much Reid would love it and even the grown men were telling me that is their favorite vacation spot.
So right there in the middle of the ocean I said to Justin you think your parents would want to go if we went and he said I bet they would. So that day he called them and they said YES so the trip was on. Angela, Lance, Victoria and Justin are so excited and because they are so excited it has gotten me excited. All the parents were in town this weekend for Justin and Lance's ordination so we decided to get together and have a pre-Disney party. I believe we have three children on our hands that is going to have their minds blown when they see Mickey Mouse. I know I will have a good time if Reid loves it. Just to see his face light up will make my day. Here are a few pictures of the kids.. and I am sad to say we didn't get any pics of the girls... o well I am sure we will have lots on our Disney trip.
As you can see in the pictures below Claire is ready for Disney. She already has her Mickey Mouse outfit on and ready to go. Her Mimi Mrs. Waltman makes all of her beautiful clothes..