Everyone that was there was so nervous for Justin. We all really weren't sure he would be able to do it and if he did get the nerve up to do it; we all thought he might faint while he was speaking. My arm pits were sweating so bad and I could feel the heat coming off my chest and neck because you would have thought I was the one giving the testimony. He had to take several deep breaths and his voice was cracking but he managed to get through it. Not only did he get through it, but he made his family, friends and congregation so proud. He thanked his mother and daddy for a great Christian home he was brought up in, he thanked the church (this is his home church he grew up in) he thanked his friend Daniel for witnessing to him as a young boy, he brought up his friend Pope (that is where we met at Pope's house), he thanked me for supporting him and loving him and he thanked the Lord for Reid. Everyone was crying we were so proud. Have I said yet how proud we are!!!!! ha
One of the nice things for Justin was that he was being honored along side one of his best friends Lance Waltman. Justin said in his testimony how special it was that he was being honored with his friend Lance. Then Lance gave his testimony and thanked his parents, sister and brother in law and his wife and that is when the water works began. I was so shocked that Lance cried, but truly it was such an emotional night and we were so proud of these two.
After the testimonies the other ordained deacons came and laid hands on each of the men and prayed with them and with us.
Justin was very glad that his friend Daniel and Pope were there for this special night. Here are a few pictures from the night. (sorry Lance if you are reading this that I had to post the ugly cry you had) We told Justin that we couldn't believe he didn't cry and typical Justin made us all laugh when he said "I was to nervous to cry".
My sweet family before church
Men waiting to give their testimony
can you tell he is nervous
you can tell he is calming down now
Lance he is making us laugh.. he seems relaxed
Ugly cry about to start
laying of hands on the ordained deacons
us with Dr. Jay and his wife Kristi
Justin and Daniel
us with Dr. Jay
glad it's over
us with Lance and Victoria
Justin and Lance
Reid running around
Lance and his daughter Claire
sweet family the Waltman's and the Sullivan's
Ormon family.. can you tell Reid didn't want to stop long enough to take any pictures
Reid wants to get down
everyone with Dr. Jay and Kristi
Lance and Victoria with Dr. Jay and Kristi
I love you Justin and I am so proud of the Christian man you have become!!!!
These are great pictures. We are proud of Justin!