Reid weighs 32 lbs which is 90th percentile and was 35 inches tall which is the 75th percentile. He still doesn't talk much but he knows all the letters of the alphabet and almost all of his numbers 1-10. He is obsessed right now with an encyclopedia book of animals. He flips every page and says whats that and when he gets to the pig he makes a pig noise every time and when he sees the zebra he calls it a Z. I think he does that because when he was learning his letters he knew Z was for Zebra. We have the circus coming up in another week and we can't wait to take him and let him see the animals. He is pretty much true to size he wears mostly size 2t clothes, size 4 diaper and size 7 shoe.
The biggest problem we have right now is that Reid still doesn't eat table food. The only table food he eats is turkey sausage and vanilla yogurt and blueberry muffins. He will eat all kinds of snacks such as graham crackers, veggie straws, vanilla waffers, teddy grahams and cheerios. We talked to the doctor about this and he said stop the snacks pretty much and start pushing the table food. We have been trying to get him to eat a grilled cheese since Friday night and here it is Sunday night and we still haven't had any luck. He only had a piece of sausage Saturday morning and refused the grilled cheese the rest of the day and by Saturday afternoon he was in a full on fit. He cried and screamed for over an hour and while he did that he would bang his head on the floor, the wall, the back of the couch, the cabinets you name it he was doing it. It was like he was in a rage he was so mad. His forehead is pretty banged up and bruised today.
I didn't take him to church this morning since the other children would be eating snacks. While I was sitting in church (I know bad) I texted Justin and said put peanut butter on some vanilla waffers and see if he would like it. He would never try peanut butter in the past. Justin text me back and said he loves it and is licking his fingers. I was so thrilled. This was progress folks. At lunch we gave him a spoon and the jar of peanut butter and he ate several spoon fulls. Tonight for supper I cut out small pieces of bread and put peanut butter on it and he ate 2 quarter size pieces of bread and peanut butter. I feel like this is progress. This is a new food folks.
I took some pictures of our fall decorations today. We are so ready for the season to change. Although our decorations are ready our weather sure isn't cooperating. It is still in the 80's everyday. Justin and Reid went swimming yesterday. I am so ready for cooler weather. I feel like cooler weather means closer to the day we will meet our sweet daughter.
We go back to the doctor a week from tomorrow and we will get to take another look at Meg and make sure nothing new is showing up. I can't wait to see her.
If you look real close at Reid's forehead you can see one of the bruises. From what I can see he has three different bruises on his head and a few knots. So sad.
I found your blog from Laurie's blog. I had a very picky eater also. Have you tried stick of cheese, slices of apples, blueberries? She also eat chicken nuggets and chicken fingers sliced. We tried to get protein in her anyway we could. He might eat slices of apples with peanut butter. Good Luck. Once we took away the snacks my daughter did eat more table food. Good Luck!!
ReplyDeleteAs always, Reid is so super cute! I thought of you and your family at brunch this morning. My neighbor/one of my close friends is a behavior consultant (works with kiddos) and she was talking about a client of hers (without giving me the name obviously) that had trouble eating and was 2 years old...
She has some other issues as well...some delays and such, but had some great tips.
Let me know if you are interested...I didn't want to post them all here on the comments of your blog.