Kay does her best to keep her eyes open.
Reid is obsessed with animals right now. He doesn't ever want to put his zebra and giraffe down. He is even hugging and kissing them he loves them so much. This is on the way to the zoo. He LOVED it.
Looking at the elephants and the monkeys. The monkeys were so loud Reid was scared to death. Looking at his favorite animal the zebra. I love that last picture of Reid and Justin looking at the snakes.
I have to note that while Kay and I stepped away Justin let Reid touch a RAT!!!!!! I said why did you let him do that and he said because you walked away. ugh..... I can't stand them and think they are very nasty animals. Reid did touch an alligator, sit on a train and then had a great time at dinner. Still playing with his animals. They have been the best baby sitter. ha
Reid and Claire playing after church while we had lunch. He reluctantly shared his animals with her at lunch. If he looked away she would grab one. They have their own language going on. I just love watching them play together now. I think Pop and Reid have their own language also. Look at that conversation they have going on. So sweet... The last picture Reid is knocking on Kim's door; trick or treating for the first time. He didn't understand we weren't suppose to walk into their house. ha He went as a MSU football player.

Reid playing the games at the fall festival at our church.
How cute is Claire and Reid in their MSU outfits. Of course we couldn't get them to look at the same time.
Thanks Pop and Kay-K for a great week....
We enjoyed the week so much and had a great time playing with Reid. So glad we were able to go the zoo and be with him trick/treating and at the Fall Festival. It was good to see so many of our friends at FBC Pascagoula. Also enjoyed our time with you and Justin working on projects and getting the nursery ready for our Meg. Have a great weekend with Granddaddy and Meme. Love you all, Pop & Kay-K