Monday, November 30, 2009

Reids First Thanksgiving

We celebrated Reid's first Thanksgiving. We were gone for 10 days and we had a wonderful time with family. We started out at my parents house where Reid was able to meet his first cousin Blake. Blake really didn't' know what to think about Reid.

Granddaddy was loving on his boy.... Reid sat with Granddaddy and watched football. I think this is when the love of TV started for Reid.

We were also able to visit friends who had not seen Reid yet. We had a really good time with my parents.

We then went to Collierville, TN to spend time with the in-laws. We had a wonderful time while we were there. They really spoil all of us each time we go for a visit. While we were there Justin's brother Steve and sil Laurie were there with their two girls. We loved getting to see our nieces.

This is a picture of Kay-K and Pop with all of their grandchildren. Let me tell you this is not an easy job getting them all to sit together. I love this picture of Sarah Kate checking Reid out. I think this is as close as she was allowed to get all week since she had been sick herself.

This is a picture of Reid and Emily. She really wanted to love on him, but she had been sick so she just had to look at him most of the time.

Emily really warmed up to us this time and we had the best time playing with her. She loves her Uncle Justin and she and I would plan to go and wake Uncle Justin up each morning by tickling him. At the end of the week we went back to my parents house before heading back to the coast. It is so nice that both our families live close together so that we can visit with both each holiday. While we were in TN, Reid was able to meet his Great Grandmother "Granny" and all of his cousins. I think Reid was a little overwhelmed when we got there. There were so many people and so many different Aunts and Cousins that wanted to hold him. He did get upset once but we were able to feed him and then he did just fine. We are so glad Granny was able to see Reid and we will see her again at Christmas.

Granny and Reid

Let me tell you who is going to be spoiled. This is Pop's only grandson and let me tell you Pop loved on his boy. Pop and Reid will have a special bond and I know Pop and Kay-K hated to see him leave.

Kay-K spent so much time in the kitchen and taking care of all of us she didn't get to spend much time just sitting and loving on Reid. This is one of the few pictures I was able to get of Kay-K loving on Reid.

While we were there we had so much help with Reid that I finally got a break and was able to go out shopping and finally had a "DATE" night. Justin, Steve, Laurie and I went to see the Blind Side. It was a really good movie; I think Laurie cried the whole time. She said she just loved it. It was so nice to be able to spend time together. We really hate that we only see them about once a year. I hope we will be able to get together this summer and take the kids swimming.

Reid did really good on the ride there and back. I just keep thanking God for such a wonderful, healthy baby. I was worried while we were gone that Reid would not do well since we were out of our routine for 10 days, but we arrived home Sunday afternoon and Reid has done just fine.

Reid started rice cereal this week and he has done great with it. He loves it and it seems to really help satisfy him. I think since he is such an aggressive eater we may start solids before he hits 6 months. I will talk to the pediatrician about this on his 4 month check up. Reid is now wearing 3-6 month outfits. He almost rolled over while at my parents lake house. He sure acted like he wanted to. It was so good to get home and see my sweet dogs and sleep in my own bed.

Reid and his daddy. Reid is getting so big just sitting on the couch watching TV with Daddy.

After going through all of my pictures I realized I did not have one picture of me and Reid or Reid with his Uncle Steve and Aunt Laurie. We will need to do a better job of taking pictures next time.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


  1. It seems like you guys had a great visit with the family... I just love that picture where Blake is looking at Reid like "Do you do anything special?" LOL! -Trina

  2. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog today, for watching Shawn's video and for leaving me your sweet comment. Your comments mean more to me than you all know.

    I also stopped by your blog tonight and read about your family and your sweet little boy, who by the way is adorable. I will for sure be stopping by your blog often.

    Thank you and have a great day!
