Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It is not often that we are able to get a family picture. Justin's parents are here and we are loving it. They are so helpful. Pop stayed with Reid today while Kay, Justin and I went to see the specialist. The doctor said Meg is fine although the spot was still on her heart he said he expected it to still be there. I was disappointed when he said he still saw it, and I started crying. I started feeling very strange like I was going to be sick and started sweating. I need to just accept that she is fine and get over it. I will be so glad when I can hold that sweet baby in my arms and see it for myself. She is a big girl already she is weighing 3lbs 11 oz and her heart rate was 144 bpm.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

Monday, October 24, 2011

30 weeks

30 weeks and I am feeling great. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I am so thankful this time around; I am not worried about going back to work. Being a stay at home mom is my job and I love it. I am so thankful for a hard working husband. He takes care of us every day and he is the best father. I can't wait to see him with his daughter. It will be such a special relationship.

I went to the doctor today and had a great check up. I start going every 2 weeks now.  Blood pressure was great and still have only gained 5 pounds.  I feel her move all the time and I love it. 

Justin's parents will be here this week and we can't wait for them to get here. I feel like once we get everything out of the attic I will be able to get much more organized. I keep thinking of things I haven't gotten yet like pacifiers. I am ready to finish up the nursery and get her glider ordered this week.

                                                            30 weeks

                                                       Reid always wants to look at me.......
                                        He loves this pumpkin that Scott gave him
                                    No nap today means this sweet boy is tired and snuggly

                                      Funny picture... we both have the same facial expression
                                                   Sweet baby boy

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Praise and Worship

I have posted the song "How great is our God" on here before when I had been given some pretty disturbing news and was going through a time that I felt like my trust and faith was being tested by God.  I am so glad in the end I decided to trust and have complete faith.  I hate it when I waver like that. As I was listening to that song again this morning; I was just looking at Reid and watching him raise his hands and watch the video and  I just felt this overwhelming feeling of greatfulness.  Sometimes you just feel like your heart could bust it is so full of love.  I am so thankful God gave me this little boy to raise.

He never promised that we wouldn't have hard times or struggle, but he promised he would always be there. Thank you God for never leaving me or forsaking me.

Reading this reminds me of sweet baby Meg... he is a healer and he can do all things if we just ask of him.
Matthew 15:28
Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

Sing it baby

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Baby Shower and 29 weeks

I had my baby shower on Sunday after church. My sweet friends Kristi Cook, Angela Sullivan, Victoria Waltman and Jenna Baber hosted it for me. They were so sweet to do this. It was a perfect day. I was so blessed by the amount of people and gifts I received. I had so many friends come and I had the best time.

As you can see from some of the pictures I posted that it was a day of many faces. I never knew I made so many faces when I open gifts. I have laughed and laughed over these pictures. Thanks to Angela Patterson for capturing some very candid moments. Today is October 17, so basically in two months we might be meeting our sweet girl.

We go to the doctor Monday and then to the specialist on Wednesday. After next week I will be going to the doctor twice a month. That always makes it feel like time is getting close.

My in laws will be here next week and we will begin getting Christmas out of the attic while Justin has some help and then a couple weeks after that it will be time to decorate. I can't believe how fast the time is going. It is also hard to believe I will have a newborn again.

I really think Reid is going to have a very hard adjustment with this baby. He is certainly use to all the attention and getting what he wants when he asks. He will need to learn patience for sure.

       One of my favorite pictures.  I love these girls so much and am so glad that they love and have prayed for Meg.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I was so excited to take Reid to the circus. I knew he would be very fascinated with the animals. I was right and you can see in all the pictures he has his hand out pointing at them. The problem was he didn't understand why he couldn't get down and go pet them. This made for a hard time. He was so squirmy and the seats were awful and not to mention with this pregnancy nose the smell was about to kill me. Needless to say the circus was a bust for us, but Reid enjoyed seeing the animals and I enjoyed watching him.

I am looking much more forward to going to the zoo in another week. I think Reid just might loose his mind when he gets to see all the animals. That is his new thing right now he is loving animals and constantly flips through books looking at the animals. He loves for us to ask him where a certain animal is and then he flips through his book until he finds it.

28 weeks

Monday, October 3, 2011

27 weeks

I am writing this with a very thankful heart today. We went to the doctor today and Meg looked great. Justin and I talked to the ultra sound tech for awhile about what we had found out about Meg when we saw the specialist at the end of August and she made us feel so much better about the results and then she started looking. She could not see the spot on her heart and thought that everything else looked perfect. She is weighing in at 2lbs 4 oz and her heart rate was 158 beats per minute. It was strong and loud.

I took my glucose test this morning and I thought I wasn't going to get it all down it taste so bad. Doctor said she is breach, but we have plenty of time to get her to turn around. He said I had gained 5lbs so far, but not to go out and eat a bunch of twinkies. Luckily he didn't say cookies. ha

When we were looking at the baby she turned the machine to 4d and I saw that sweet face and I just started crying. Justin and I had decided that once we were firm on our decision not to have the amnio we decided not to talk about it anymore. Our final word was if she has downs we would love her just the same. Even though we stopped talking about it and I gave it all over to God;  seeing her face this morning it just all came out of me in the form of tears. I was so thankful and overwhelmed. We had so many praying for us and we sure felt it. God is so good and we are so thankful for a wonderful church, pastor, friends, family and staff they have prayed for us everyday.

It is so hard to get a good picture of a picture of the ultra sound pictures, but that is her elbow up by her face.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift 2 Corinthians 9:15

My favorite purchase this week.