Monday, October 24, 2011

30 weeks

30 weeks and I am feeling great. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I am so thankful this time around; I am not worried about going back to work. Being a stay at home mom is my job and I love it. I am so thankful for a hard working husband. He takes care of us every day and he is the best father. I can't wait to see him with his daughter. It will be such a special relationship.

I went to the doctor today and had a great check up. I start going every 2 weeks now.  Blood pressure was great and still have only gained 5 pounds.  I feel her move all the time and I love it. 

Justin's parents will be here this week and we can't wait for them to get here. I feel like once we get everything out of the attic I will be able to get much more organized. I keep thinking of things I haven't gotten yet like pacifiers. I am ready to finish up the nursery and get her glider ordered this week.

                                                            30 weeks

                                                       Reid always wants to look at me.......
                                        He loves this pumpkin that Scott gave him
                                    No nap today means this sweet boy is tired and snuggly

                                      Funny picture... we both have the same facial expression
                                                   Sweet baby boy

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