Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ried's First Christmas

This is one of the few family pictures we got before Christmas. We were leaving to go to Church to watch a Christmas Concert and leaving Reid with Trina to babysit. I am finding it very hard to leave Reid. I want him with me at all times. I don't know how I will ever be able to go back to work.

O I know this post is so late, but having a 4 1/2 month old is keeping me much more busy these days. The days of him sleeping most of the day away has come and gone. Reid is up quite a bit during the day now and that means I am on the floor most of the day entertaining him. Our Christmas was spent in North Ms. and in Collierville Tn. We were very busy traveling back and forth, but it was very worth it since Reid was able to be with his Mimi and Granddaddy and his Kay-K and Pop.

We were gone for 10 days and it was much easier packing this time. I was not near as worried about making sure I had everything Reid would need because we had just packed for 10 days at Thanksgiving.

We had a very good time while we were gone. We spent three days with my parents Fri-Mon and then Mon-Thurs with Justin's parents. Monday when we got there Kay had an early Christmas present for Reid. Kay knows me all too well. I loved Reid's Christmas outfit. I think he looked mighty handsome.

Wed night Kay's side of the family came over to have Christmas with us since we would miss the Akin family Christmas. Reid received his first Christmas gifts. His Aunts and Uncles were so sweet to each get him a gift. We had a really good time visiting with them.

Christmas Eve was spent at Granny's house. We arrived early so that Reid could spend some time with his Granny. It was so nice to visit with her and she was so proud of Justin and what a great daddy he is. She had a great time visiting with Reid and kept asking us when we were going to have number 2. Slow down Granny ha ha...Reid did very good at Granny's this time. He never did get upset he just took it all in.

After Granny's we headed back to Mimi's house and that is when Reid decided to show out. He rolled over 5 times in a row on Christmas Eve. We were so proud of him. Unfortunately he has not rolled over since. Here are some random pictures while we waiting on Christmas day to get here.

Reid and Granddaddy

Reid and Mimi

Mimi loving on Reid

Christmas morning Santa came and Reid received so many nice gifts and alot of things that he was needing. We then left out to go to my brother's house and on the way we saw a few snow flurries. That is as close as we got to a white Christmas ha. My nephew Blake was so fun to be around Christmas; he was showing us how to ride his new horse. He was so proud and so much fun.

Christmas at my brothers

After visiting with them we headed home to load up again and head back to Justin's parents house to have Christmas with them. Of course we were all spoiled again with many presents and Reid got lots of things that he needed as well. We are so blessed to have such wonderful parents.

Here are some pictures of Reid at his Kay-k and Pop's

Reid is now going to bed each night about 6 and sleeps till 6 or 7 the next morning. He has been doing this for about a month now and it seems to be working very well for him.

When I gave Reid his cereal today with a spoon he was able to swallow the cereal. I think he is finally learning how to swallow and not make such a mess. He is getting so big. Everyone that sees him says hey Big Boy. I am afraid he is going to think his name is Big.


  1. He's a cutie Cissy! Gotta love them big boys! Nathan now answers to the name Moose...LOL

  2. Those are some beautiful baby blues!!!!! I love the last picture.
