Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Sunday

Lets just say it has been awhile since we have been to church. Once Reid was born we did not take him out of the house (flu season) and so going to church was not possible. Not to mention the thought of leaving him with a stranger was something I just was not ready to do. Well, Reid is 5 months old and we thought it was time we got back into church. We have really missed it. Today was the day and I had so much anxiety about it. I was not ready to drop Reid off with a stranger especially since he now gets upset when strangers approach him. I was expecting this to be hard on Reid today. Well all of you mothers know out there that it is much harder on the parents (especially the mother) than it is on the baby. Reid did not have one single problem in the nursery today. I think he liked the fact that he was held and loved on the whole time we were gone. There were a total of 4 babies in the nursery, Reid being the oldest and the youngest is 3 months.

We arrived early to church so that I could take my time leaving him and once we did I was ok. It was nice seeing our friends from church and catching up with them. Church starts and we are singing "How Great Thou Art" and all of a sudden a big lump comes up in my throat and I thought I was going to really bust out crying if I tried to sing one more word. I just had to stop singing and just pray. I knew Reid was fine, but I was just really struggling with leaving him today. So I get over that and then Justin looks over at me and says. "You know we changed Reid's nipple size to level 3 yesterday (faster flowing nipple) and I hope that lady doesn't lay him down flat like she had that other baby and try to feed him; he will choke." Well there goes another whole set of worries for me. I had not thought about letting them know that when we feed Reid we keep him upright. I know its terrible, but I kept watching the clock and could not wait for 12 noon to get here. I was so ready to pick him up. Mrs. Barbara (the nursery worker) said he did great and never cried.

So all and all Reid had a much better Sunday morning than his mama did. I do believe this is a good transition and this will help me ease back into the work world. I just kept thinking what if I was leaving him for 9 hours today. I just don't think I could stand it. I am just not ready for that. Going back to work is going to be much harder than I ever expected.

Here are a few pictures of Reid before his First Sunday at Church

Here is Reid after his bath. He loves bath time and really enjoyed his bath toys tonight. We are now bathing him in his bath tub in the guest bath tub since he splashes so much. He has a great time splashing.

Here he is so happy after bath time.

His Mimi and Granddaddy will be here Thursday and we are so excited about seeing them. His Mimi sat on Skype and watched Reid for an hour today. She watched him roll over twice. She says she can sit all day and watch him. We are so thankful we have skype so his grandparents can watch and talk to Reid.

Reid continues to be the best baby. He is now napping (swaddled of course) for three hours each day in his crib. This has helped so much so that I now have time to get things done during the day. His bedtime is 5 o'clock each day and he continues to sleep through the night.

I hope everyone had a great weekend...

1 comment:

  1. I love that gingham outfit. So glad he did great in the nursery! He is a good baby!
    The girls dresses are a BIG hit! I LOVE them!
