Saturday, February 6, 2010

Last Few Weeks

We had grandparents with us the last two weekends. My parents came and we had a great visit. They didn't get to stay long, but here is a photo of granddaddy and Reid. Again I don't know how I managed to not get a photo of Reid and Mimi.

This past weekend Justin's parents came and we had a wonderful visit. While they were here they watched Reid while I got out and about for two days. It was nice being able to go and run errands, do doctor's appointments and meet friends for lunch. Since Reid is always napping through lunch we do not get the opportuntiy to meet anyone for lunch. Sunday we went back to church for the third weekend in a row and I have to say that each time I leave him is a little easier. We plan to start back to Sunday School this Sunday. Now I will be leaving him for a little over two hours so we will see how that goes. Here are a few pictures from our visit with Reid's Kay-K and Pop.

Justin's new thing is each day when he comes home from work Justin reads two books to Reid. So far Reid seems to enjoy it. He is really touching the books and the pages trying to figure them out. Its really hard on Justin because he only gets maybe an hour each day with Reid since Reid's bedtime continues to be 5 or 5:30. Here is a picture of Justin reading to Reid. Also a little profile shot of Reid that I thought was cute.

But the Big News in our House today is that Reid is finally rolling over from back to belly and belly to back. On Christmas Eve Reid rolled from his back to belly, but has never been able to roll back over until today. I know this will make him very happy since he doesn't like to be on his stomach for long. We are so proud of our baby boy and we can't believe how fast he is growing.

Reid also ate avacado today for the first time, maybe that is what gave him all the energy and strength to rollover today. Who knows but we are very proud of our big boy.

Here is a video of our boy rolling over from his back to belly and then belly to back.

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