Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another small milestone

Now that Reid is 6 months we try to let him practice sitting up as much as possible. We let him ride in the shopping cart at Walmart today. He is still not very sturdy, but we padded him on each side and he had the best time sitting up. I don't know that he would be that comfortable yet sitting in a high chair at a restaurant though.

We are going to Birmingham this weekend to spend some time with one of my best friends Pam. Pam found Reid a big boy car seat on Craigslist for a good deal; so we will pick that up this weekend. She found him a Britax Boulevard for 100 dollars. Pam has a little boy named Luke that is 6 weeks older than Reid. We can't wait to let Reid and Luke play together. We hope to take lots of pictures of them together this weekend.

We didn't do much this weekend. We had Reid's 6 month pictures made and then we came home and did some early spring cleaning. I love a clean house. We were on the floor so much cleaning Justin and I are both sore; even my fingers are sore. ugh

Here are a few pictures of our big boy in the shopping cart and a few pictures of Reid's sweet friend Luke. Aren't they both so cute agh I mean handsome ha.

Pam took these pictures of Luke herself. Didn't she do great.

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