Sunday, February 28, 2010

From Bad to GREAT

This Sunday morning started off like any other Sunday morning. Showers, breakfast we get ready then we feed Reid breakfast and get him ready. Of course he is always in the best mood and doesn't seem to mind going to the church nursery every Sunday.

This morning we gave him Yo baby Yogurt for the first time. He seemed to really like it; we wait and let the nursery give him his bottle. We usually drop him off around 9:30 and then we take a peak at him after Sunday School around 10:45 and then pick him up at 12. Today was no different we went to check on him after Sunday School and he was taking a nap like he usually is. Except he only sleeps about 20 mins for them because he isn't swaddled, but that's ok with us because once we get home and feed him lunch he takes his normal 2 to 3 hour nap.

The way we are to know if the nursery needs us is they will (or I thought) text you on your phone to come to the nursery so I always leave my phone on vibrate and I hold it and look at it the whole time. It was about 11:15 and we were almost done singing our last song and my phone starts vibrating with a number I don't know. I punched Justin and said look and he just shrugged his shoulders like I don't know. I thought well if they leave a message maybe I can duck down in the pew and check it. They left a message, but I was too afraid to check it. Justin leans over to me and says if it is about Reid and it is bad enough they will come and get us. So in my mind I was like ok. Sing on.......

About 5 minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder ... you need to come with me Reid is crying and has his self all worked up. Of course Justin and I take off.. you have to know Reid... he never cries so for him to be crying like this really scared me.

Ms. Barbara the nursery worker has him outside walking him and he is whaling... I pick him up and he almost sounds hoarse he has been crying so hard... He doesn't stop when I am holding him so I thought lets just get him in the car in front of his dvd movie and he will be fine (like he always is).. NOPE that did not work.. the whole car ride home he cried..Justin and I are not use to a crying baby so it really scares us when Reid does that we get very stressed over it; I mean most babies cry right.. well Reid rarely does.

In my mind I start thinking he is having an allergic reaction to that Yogurt, since that is the only thing new he ate today. Then I am thinking how would I know what an allergic reaction will look like. I am checking him over in the car and his legs are red, but then I am thinking are they red because he has been crying so hard, or is there a problem. His face is red, but again he is crying.. I didn't see red any where else on him. Justin is in the front seat saying is his eyes swelling.. I mean we were really freaking out.

We were so freaked out I was on the phone calling my mom and Justin was on the phone calling his mom. Laurie I almost called you too. ha

We got home I undressed him and turned his favorite cartoon on and all of a sudden he let out two big burps and it was like he was a different baby. He started trying to jump up and down in my lap so I put him in his jumpy and he hasn't cried since.

Matter of fact he has laughed more today than ever. Take a look at how Reid spent his afternoon. Is this not the sweetest sound you have ever heard?

We love you Reid and I am so glad you are ok

1 comment:

  1. Bless his heart and ya'lls!!!!!!!!! SK loves her some Yo Baby!
    Glad he is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
