Sunday, March 7, 2010

Didn't Do Much

We didn't do much this past week or weekend. The weather was beautiful and we could hear the birds chirping. I am so ready for Spring; I love to open the back door to our Florida room and let the fresh air and sunshine pour in. I think we might have ruined Reid if that is possible. We have let him watch Barney and Yo Gaba Gaba and I think because there is so much music, dancing and colors that when he tries to watch Baby Einstein or Mickey Mouse Playhouse he is just bored to death. It will not keep his attention like Barney and Yo Gaba Gaba, but a mama can only take so much of Barney and DJ Lance Rock. We must find him some new videos to watch.

Saturday Justin and I took Reid's swing outside and while we grilled hot dogs we let Reid enjoy some sunshine. Once we got the sun out of Reid's eyes he seemed to really love being outside.

Justin and I said on more than one occasion this weekend it sure would be nice to go and play some golf. Well once you have a baby I guess you don't get to do things like that anymore. I can't wait for Reid to get older and take him out on the golf course.

One thing that is worrying me today is Reid's baby dedication. He will be dedicated three days shy of being 9 months old. We will dedicate him with our best friends Lance and Victoria with their baby girl Claire. Reid seems so scared of things right now and the choir and the music can be quite loud on Sunday's so I am trying to figure out what I am going to do to keep Reid from crying. I am hoping that when he is 9 months he won't be so afraid of things and the noises. Also that is his nap time so each Sunday in the nursery has been pretty awful for him. As soon as he goes to sleep a baby cries and it wakes him up. He just cries and cries at church because he is so tired. I am thinking for the 4 weeks prior to his dedication we will bring him out in church with us in the balcony to let him look around and hopefully get use to all of the loud music.

Anyway not much going on, but loving this spring type weather. Justin really wanted to uncover the pool this weekend, but we really need to wait about 4 more weeks.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Here is some video we took of Reid this weekend.

He tried applesauce for the first time this weekend and you can tell from the video he wasn't quite sure about it. He makes some awful faces, but in the end he ended up eating the whole thing.

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