Sunday, March 14, 2010

Birthday Celebration/ 7 months

We had a very busy weekend. Reid turned 7 months on the 11th and he continues to be the best baby. I think from 6 months to 7 months have been about the same as far as any new motor skills he might have learned. The only thing that he is really doing different is sitting better. I spend alot of time each day with him sitting on the floor, but he continues to fall over alot so I put his boppy around him and that has really helped his balance. I put his toys in front of him and he has the best time playing with them. When we grocery shop he now sits up in the buggy and I always have my grocery list in my phone and he constantly reaches for it. He has also discovered the remote control to the tv. He wants to get his hands on it so bad. He is really chewing on his fingers more and more (which makes me wonder if he is teething).

He has a terrible habit of putting his whole fist in his mouth and gags himself. That drives me nuts. I will call out his name (firmly) and he will yank his hand out of his mouth. Almost like he knows he is in trouble ha. A few times he has gagged so bad that he has spit up.

Here are a few pictures of Reid sitting up in the floor playing.

Can you tell he is serious about playing with his toys

Friday night we had a birthday celebration for Justin and myself. Justin's birthday is 4 days before mine, plus our anniversary is Monday, March 15. March is a very busy month for us, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

I purchased Justin a fire pit for our anniversary/birthday/father's day and he was so excited. He has always said he wanted one and I thought how fun that would be next year when Reid is older to sit out there and roast hot dogs and marshmallows.

We had 5 couples over Friday night to celebrate our birthday, we had great food and fellowship. The men decided to go out and light up the fire pit so I got out the marshmallows and we had a good time standing out by the fire and roasting marshmallows. Of course Reid missed out on all the fun; since he was already in bed. We had a great time.

Isabel loving on Claire.. Claire looks a little scared. Isabel loves her cousin Claire

Some of the food I prepared for the party
Lance and Victoria gave Justin a MSU mug and his most favorite candy in the would. Reeses peanut butter cups. I think Justin loves Lance can you tell by the picture. ha ha

True mama here.. Look at Victoria roasting marshmallows with a burp cloth on her shoulder.

Saturday night our Sunday School class was going out to eat at a restaurant I love. There were 27 of us. We left Reid asleep at Lance and Victoria's house where Victoria's niece was gonna watch him and Claire. I figured at the most Reid would wake up and whine a little and she would just need to give him his pacifier and he would fall back to sleep. Since there were about 27 of us at this restaurant it was taking awhile. So after about an hour Victoria called to check on the babies and her niece said they were fine Reid had not even woke up (I was relieved). As most of you know Reid never cries, he might whine but crying is just not his thing. Well about 30 minutes later Victoria's phone rings and Reid is screaming... he is so upset; I can hear him crying so I told her to give him some gas drops and if that doesn't stop the crying to call me back. I told Justin I just wanted to get our food to go and go and get him. Everyone was saying well she didn't call back I am sure he went back to sleep and I figured he had, but it is still so hard for me to be away from him. So we got our food to go and we went and picked him up and of course he was good and asleep, but I felt better going and getting him.

Sunday morning we woke up and Justin's sinuses were all out of whack. He has little swollen pockets under his eyes. I guess leaving the windows open is making his allergies flare up. So we missed church for the first time in awhile. I was sad to miss. I pray Reid does not get Justin's allergies.

Monday is our anniversary; not sure if we will do much since Reid goes to bed at 5. Maybe I will cook us a nice dinner; which will be fine by me. That seems to be my new passion. I love cooking and I love reading recipe books.

I think someone is ready for the beach. Are those the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen??

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun weekend! Happy Anniversary! Reid has got some eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
