Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day/Baby Dedication

Today (Sunday) was such a special day. It is a day I will never forget. Alot of you do not know, but when I was 30 years old I had some female problems and my doctor told me that I would probably never be able to have a baby. At that time I was single and I don't think the magnitude of what he told me really sank in. However, when I met Justin and I realized this is the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with; it became something I thought about almost every day. Would I be able to have a child, at the time my mother was never honest with me about it. She always told me that she thought I wouldn't have any trouble and that when the time was right I would have a baby. My journey to having this baby wasn't the easiest, but after about 6 months and some help from some fertility meds I became pregnant. That is when my mom told me "I never thought you would become pregnant". Thank you Jesus for this wonderful baby boy I have and that I was chosen to be his mommy.

So for someone that wasn't sure if she would ever become a mother today was very special and my wonderful husband and in-laws made it very special for me. I know it is one I will never forget.

When I woke up the first thing I wanted to do was get Reid out of his crib. I wanted to feel his arms around my neck and get sweet kisses from him. When I came out of his room Justin had wonderful presents for me. One of the cards he gave me was from Reid and he even wrote his letters backwards like a child would do and that made me laugh. It was really sweet and very thoughtful.

Sunday just wasn't Mother's day it was also the day that I had been planning for over a year that I would dedicate Reid to the Lord. Victoria and I were both pregnant last Mother's day and we both knew that today would be the day that we would dedicate both our children to the Lord.

I was worried Reid would be very shy and get upset, but Reid did great. He even entertained us while we were on the stage. He wasn't bothered at all. Enjoy the pictures and video below of our special day. Side note of course on one of the most special days for me; my hair did terrible and my outfit was awful, but you know what who cares right because at the end of the day it's not even about that.

After church we all came home where I had prepared lunch for us and then Justin and I headed outside to the pool. We were able to have a relaxing afternoon while the in-laws took care of Reid. Later that day Justin and I had a date night. We went to Outback and to the movie. We had a great day and thank you again to Justin and his parents for making it a very special and wonderful day.

This first picture was first thing Sunday morning; I was watching as Reid got his card and gift from his Kay-K and Pop for his baby dedication.

Enjoy the dedication video.. thank you Jesus Reid did not get upset.

1 comment:

  1. I like you hair and your make-up! What????? Sounds like a wonderful day! I know you are soooo thankful for Reid! He is precious.
