Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Reid

Reid I can't believe you are already one. Today has been so sweet and special. I am so proud to be your mother. In the beginning I really dreaded this day. I wasn't sure if dreaded it because you are growing so fast or that meant I was closer to having to go back to work. After speaking with my friend Angela she made me realize there wasn't anything to be sad about, but instead I should be thankful that I had him and that I was celebrating his birthday. She is so right and so today has been all about celebrating and embracing the fact that you are one year old.

You have brought more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined. We will go to the doctor on Friday and we will have your measurements.

Your Kay-K and Pop came into town today to celebrate your birthday and we have had the best time. Your birthday party will be Saturday and we will celebrate with your friends, but tonight we celebrated with Kay-K and Pop. Your Mimi and Granddaddy will be here tomorrow. They are very excited about seeing you.

Here are some pictures from his birthday celebration we had tonight.

Reid reading a book in his birthday chair

Chair Kay-K and Pop got you for your birthday

Family picture

present from mommy and daddy

waking him up singing happy birthday. He loves for the dogs to get in bed with him.

Amy gave this birthday onsie to Reid


  1. Happy Birthday Baby! You are adorable!

  2. I love it! And the family pic with his grinning from ear to ear is the best!!!! Soooo glad that we get to celebrate with ya'll on Saturday . . . . . . love you Reidy Reid!
