Friday, August 13, 2010

Reid you are 1

We took Reid to the doctor today to get his one year check up and his shots. Reid did so good. He seems to be getting better about not being so shy all the time. In the past anytime anyone would approach him and talk to him he would cry. Slowly but surely he is getting over that.

Reid is now weighing 24.12 lbs, which is the 75th percentile and is 31 1/4 inches tall; which is in the 95th percentile. He has only gained .12 ounces since he was 9 months old. I guess he hit his growth spurt early on.

One issue Reid is having is at the bottom of his rib cage one of his ribs seem to be poking out so we have to go and see a Pediatric Orthopedic to have it looked at.

We are having so much fun with Reid now. He is mimicking every thing we do.

He will pant like a dog, pucker his lips up for a kiss, wave bye bye backwards, click his tongue and raise his arms up in the air when we say praise the Lord. He is the funniest thing ever. It makes us laugh every time.

He is drinking whole milk now. The transition was pretty easy. He doesn't like that it is so cold, but other than that he has done fine.

He would rather eat baby food than table food. He is not crazy about the textures in his mouth when eating table food.

He is still in size 4 diapers and is wearing mostly 18 month clothes.

He mainly says mama and dada but mainly mama now for everything.

He no longer takes a paci during the day. Only at nap and bedtime.

He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything, but doesn't look like any signs of walking any time soon.

His favorite thing to do is play with balls. He can sit for hours and play with them. He likes to grab two of the same color balls and then bang them together.

He drinks 3 sippies a day of milk and then water. He still hates juice.

He goes to bed around 7 each night and sleeps till between 6 and 7 each morning. He then naps around 11:30 each day and naps for 2 hours.

He still cries as soon as we get into church each week. He knows he is about to be dropped off in the nursery. However, he did move up to an older class last week and he did much better. He is not with the babies anymore and he seems to like that better.

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