Monday, March 19, 2012

He won't starve

That's what the doctor said. We are really dealing with some heavy stuff with Reid right now.

Since Reid has been 1 year old he has not eaten table food. Most of this is my fault for giving in to him instead of making him eat the correct things. He never would eat level 3 baby food and since he was 1 he has only eaten turkey sausage. So turkey sausage was given at every meal. He loved snack food, but what child doesn't. He would eat veggie straws, graham crackers, cheerios, teddy grahams, zbars and yogurt.

One of the problems is Reid won't even put the food to his mouth. He is not even willing to try it.  So this has gone on for almost two years. He has been on a waiting list for a food therapist since November and when I talked to them last week there were still 4 people ahead of him. 

I have become so frustrated that I called his doctor back and he said you are letting Reid run the show at your house. And I was like you are right he is. He said he won't starve; that you give him what you are eating.

So since Thursday Reid has not had any snacks, but he really hasn't made much progress. He goes almost two days before he is willing to eat anything. It is so bad that his sugar gets so low he has the shakes. It is very pitiful. 

We finally got him to eat some nutella on toast, then later we added peanut butter and nutella to his toast and he has nibbled on an apple, banana and strawberry. You can tell he doesn't like the fruit, but he is so hungry he is desperate.

Tonight we gave him ham and of course he wouldn't try it, so I put nutella on top of it and he just pulled the nutella off of it and only ate the nutella. So I made a piece of toast and mixed peanut butter, nutella, cheese and ham together and put it on his toast and he ate two pieces.

Although I feel like it is progress he still isn't eating the way he should.  Just pray it will get better; we are so worried about him.

We tried to keep  Reid very busy all weekend so he wouldn't not cry for food all day. We took him to the beach and for some reason he hated the sand. So he and Justin walked the pier a couple of times and then we swam the next day. He enjoyed that, but his energy level is so low he doesn't really want to do anything. Here are some pictures from the weekend.



  1. Hi Cissy!
    Both of your kiddos are so super cute. Poor Reid, I am sure it is as frustrating for him as it is for you.
    As I said, one of my best friends is a amazing behavior consultant, going for her second masters degree. She would have no problems talking with you and maybe giving you more ideas!
    Just let me know...
    prayers with your whole family

  2. Love the sweet pictures of our grandson!! They are truly Reid's expressions. Thinking about and praying for you all as I know it is a challenge to change Reid's eating habits. Hope you will have a good week. Give our grandchildren a hug/kiss for us. Love you all, Pop & Kay-K
